100G White Chocolate Jazzles


These small disc shaped chocolate with candy sprinkles, white Jazzles have a tasty milky chocolate flavour.


100g White Chocolate Jazzles

Nutritional Values:

Typical Values per 100g
Energy 2080 kj496 kcal
Fat of which saturates 22.4g 19g
Carbohydrates of which sugars 71.1g 56.1g
Fibre 0.6g
Protein 2.8g
Salt 0.28g


For allergens please see ingredients listed in bold.

Sugar, palm oil, whey powder (from milk), wheat flour (with added calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), wheat starch, emulsifier: soya lecithin; glucose syrup, flavourings, colours: carotenes, beetroot red, anthocyanins, chlorophyllin; glazing agent: beeswax.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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