
Want to sell sweets in your area? Want a low start up business?  Then Sugar Buzz could be just what your looking for!

What we do:

  • Pack and brand your boxes so that you can sell from the day you receive your Suagr Buzz boxes.
  • Set up your own branded Facebook page.
  • Support that you need to get yourself up and running!

What we need from you:

  • You will have access to your own vehicle to make your deliveries.
  • You will need to be able to use and have access to Facebook
  • Be willing to put the time into promoting your Facebook page via Facebook advertising.

You choose the area you want to operate from and so they is no competition we won’t put another branch in your area.

If this sounds like something you ould be intrested in why not drop us a message by clicking here or email: for more information.
